Its that time of year again. The first Thurs?day in August brings us a rea?son to embrace our inner hop?head with IPA Day. Last year was a blast in Ari?zona when we had our inau?gural event at the Whole Foods in Chan?dler. Once again AZ?s most Beer?flu?en?tial Per?son for 2012, King James Swann, will be host?ing another IPA Day event at The Water?ing Hole. I?ve decided to pick one of the many IPAs he will have on hand so you can have an idea of what you?re get?ting into when you attend this event or even if you decide to enjoy IPA Day in the com?fort of your own home. I now bring to you Lagu?ni?tas Hop Stoopid.
Photo Copy?right by Tony Guevara
Loca?tion:?Petaluma, CA
Style:?India Pale Ale
Alco?hol: 8%
?For those morn?ings when you have to cut right to the chase, this is the one. Sure to blast through just about any?thing still lin?ger?ing from the night before, this mouth?ful of Hops and huge rich Malt has a gau?ran?tee built right into the name!? ? Lagu?ni?tas Brew?ing Company
The Hop Stoopid IPA had a beau?ti?ful golden pour with an orange hue. It also pro?duced a nice white head that was around one fin?gers width and a half. As I nose?dived into this IPA I got a bunch of cit?rus notes includ?ing grape?fruit and orange. I also picked up a hint of pine or?resin.
Right off the bat I was able to get that big cit?rus fla?vor of grape?fruit and orange. Being out in the desert heat, which is usu?ally around 9 months of the year, the cit?rusy IPAs have always hit the spot. Hop Stoopid does not fail in this respect at all. I even get a lit?tle sweet?ness in the begin?ning before those bit?ter hops leap into action. Early on the 8% alco?hol isn?t too notice?able, but becomes more appar?ent the longer you take your jour?ney with this beer. Seri?ously, I could drink this beer all day?long.
The fin?ish to this medium bod?ied Hop Stoopid was very bit?ter, just like the rind or peel of a grape?fruit, and it lin?gered on to eter?nity just like I like it. The more I let the bit?ter?ness linger, the more I noticed those piney, resiny notes again that I picked up in the?nose.
This is one hel?luva drink?able IPA at its 8% ABV and 102 IBUs. It is also very afford?able in my area as it is only $3.99 for a 22 ounce bomber bot?tle. The Hop Stoopid is def?i?nitely a great go-to IPA espe?cially if you?re strapped for cash at the time and just want to enjoy some bit?ter?ness. Can?t remem?ber the last time I had this beer on draft, but I will get my next chance this Thurs?day at The Water?ing Hole in Chan?dler for the IPA Day event that King James Swann will be host?ing. I would also like to thank a good beer buddy of mine, Tony Gue?vara, for pro?vid?ing me with a pic?ture wor?thy of the beer. Now hope?fully I will see some of you out there and make sure you grab a pint of Lagu?ni?tas Hop Stoopid to kick it off. Cheers to a fan?tas?tic IPA Day to?all!
I love craft beer, I know?understatement of the year. I live in Chan?dler, AZ and get the awe?some job of going to brew?eries, pubs, restau?rants, and stores to try their beers and write reviews, not too shabby. I?ve been drink?ing craft beer for 7 years now and love how the craft beer move?ment is evolv?ing so quickly. If you have any com?ments, ques?tions, or sug?ges?tions please con?tact me at You can also ?Friend? me on Face?book ( and fol?low me on Twit?ter (@aircoleman). I?m also on Untappd ( Look?ing for?ward to hear?ing from you. Cheers!!!
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